Monday, October 4, 2010


I believe that Brunelleschi's creative leadership most prompted Brunelleschi to succeed in the construction of his masterpiece. His creative leadership most prompted because he might not had a chance to get supported if he wasn't so creative with explaining his dome. Brunelleschi went to the assembly, and asked people to make an egg stand by itself, people couldn't. However, Brunelleschi made an egg stand by itself, which made people to think that Brunelleschi had some ideas, not just crazy. If Brunelleschi wasn't creative enough to explain his dome, he never could have convinced people. Which means that he might not have got any chances to make his dome.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where do new ideas come from?

Everyone has some ideas in their head. But ideas aren't just from our head. They are from others. I think new ideas come from our environment. I always got my new ideas from my stuffs on desk or somewhere in my house. When I look at something, like some kind of patterns, I mix the pattern with other patterns that I saw it before. Also, I got ideas from my friends and family. My mom is the one who gives the most ideas to me. But I always mix my mom's ideas with my ideas. My family give me a lot of ideas when I ask them. Ideas that you have might be yours but I think most of the ideas are from our environments.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Thank You M'AM - What makes a good story

In my humanities class, we read three different stories and my favorite short story was "Thank You, M'AM". The characters in the story were very unique. Mrs.Luella Bates Washington Jones, the large woman has a different characterization compares to other woman character. She is very large, and also very strong. It is funny when she hold up the boy, Roger, and shook him. However, she has a kind personalities not like how she acts like. Also. Langston Huges, the author of the "Thank You, M'AM", gave good message. The author told us that when we act kind to others and teach the wrong and right to them, they will be a better person. I think good messages and character make a good story.