Monday, March 28, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence 2

Throughout the movie, I notice that reluctant Australians were just trying to 'help' the Aboriginal Australians. However, it turned out to hurt the little children's feelings. Molly finally ran away from the camp, but Mr. Nevile look after the 3 little girls for a month and it is weird that Mr.Nevile even cared about 3 girls who ran away month ago. However, after Molly became a women and had 2 babies, she had to go back to the camp. It shows that the reluctant Australians were just focusing on getting rid of the Aboriginal Australians. The reluctant Australians should apologize to the Aboriginal because they have kidnapped their children, and also they have separated their family. It doesn't mean that every single reluctant Australians were mean, in the movie, there were some kind people, so the mean people should follow the kind and treat the Aboriginals kindly.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence- Molly

In the movie, Rabbit Proof Fence', Molly is a very clever but a non-heroic girl. After she was moved to the camp, she tried to run away from the camp with her friends. She knew that there would be a seeker behind her, so she leave some false evidence behind her, which will confuse the seeker. However, it might lead her and her friends to the danger. She might think that it is what heroes do, but in real life, it is really dangerous to do such a thing.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


How did the ethnocentricity of the British and the First Australians cause conflict between the two groups?

When British began colonizing, they thought that they were better than Australians. They thought that they had the best culture. British wanted the Australians to follow what they were doing. However, the first Australians wanted to keep their culture. British forced them to follow, and it started to cause the fights between the two groups. The British taught Bennelong, one of the Australians, to be one of them, but unfortunately, Bennelong couldn't stay being part of English, so he went back to his culture. British than put more force to the Australians, and started to take over the land. It eventually cause the conflict between the two groups.