Monday, January 24, 2011

How Do I Learn Best?

Today, we found out our own dominance factor. My profile was 'L', who have difficulty when they're under-stressed.
I learn best when I have a good condition because, if I'm not, I usually get stressed out easily, so I don't start, or finish my work. I also do best when I spend my time in a quite place, where I can think and study. If I stay in a distracting room, I can't focus well in my assignments. I also work best when I walk around while I'm working. However, my parents think that I'm not studying, if I walk around, so it is hard for me to concentrate. I also need to maintain my condition. It always has to be relaxed because if not, I won't be able to do anything.
I think I need to control my emotions because that's what my parents always told me and I always feel that I should. I can't complete my work when I can't control my emotion. I think I also need to do some activities to help me. For example, I should do the 'lazy 8', and also blink while doing something that make my eyes tired, or write and drawing with non-dominant hand.
The strategies that would help me to learn are, to sit quite myself and do whatever I can do because I can focus and do everything when I'm in a quite place. I think I should do something art related, such as music, drawing because those activities will make my feelings calm. My strategies are to keep my feeling high and calm.
I would like my teacheres to know this about me is that I can't learn anything when I'm really stressed. It happens when I have so many homework and tuitions. I always finish my homework before I have dinner because after dinner, it is my own time to keep my emotion calm and happy. So, I can't have so many homework.

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